So I'm taking this advantage to write my blog today. Before the day ends at about 1 hour and a half from now 😁
Everybody is asleep now. Only me babbling on my phone here..
Heh..why didn't I start this at 20:20 just now?? could have been much more awesome 😄
Happy Birthday to those who celebrates their birthday today. And Happy Wedding day to those who took advantage of this beautiful date.
What about me? Naahhh. Nothing special. I spent the whole day arranging & organizing my daily mom job. To settle what was not during the weekdays 😬
Yeah..that's me alright.. Just turned 36 last month and still juggling and struggling with my daily mom of 3 kids + a husband (sometimes I think I have 4 kids) job, my daily architect job, my daily Shaklee Distributor job, and recently, my own bakehouse Kek Sarang Semut Ikin.
Phewww..that's a whole loaddddd of daily commitments!
Ok, I must admit, this juggling thing is hard. Time consuming, energy & mental draining. But if you got it right, the satisfaction is wayyy beyond getting a full night sleep and extend it a little bit more in the morning 😜
My aim for this year is to get my life organized. Complete with schedules and STICK to it the whole year!
An organized life is one of the key to an anxiety free life.
Huhu..talking about anxiety, I got an anxiety attack earlier last month. Just a few days after the New Year. Because of my juggling life.
Alhamdulillah I had some substantial amount of readings on anxiety a few months back. So I can control it quite well & regain my health after that.
Ohh..that 30 minutes of anxiety attack affected my health so much that it took about 2 weeks of recovery!
Hmm..I'm getting sleepy now. I'll write about my experience on anxiety attack another time ok.
'till then, c ya!
Shikin Shams
mother of 3 beautiful kids ❤️
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